Lately interest in the "Space Brotherhood" has been on the increase. During the past 35 years since Adamski had his famous contact with the flying saucer, there have evolved many different beliefs about UFO's and alien races. Examples of one group of believers in UFO's are the El-Legions, Michael and Aurora. This couple has been the center of national attention due to an article in the "National Enquirer". They have just finished a nation-wide tour during which they explained their belief about the true mission of the UFO's. Michael claims to be an authorized representative of the Galactic Confederation" of alien spaceships. He is 29. He met Aurora during a lecture at ACU. August 7, 1981, the two were married in an unusual ceremony on Mt. Shasta. (JW In another article, it said they were eventually married in a civil service held at Oscar Taylor's restaurant).
Question: You call yourselves representatives of the "Galactic Confederation". How did you acquire this position?
Michael: First of all, I came into the present lifetime with full conscious memory of being on the spaceships on other planets. And I remember beaming down into my Earth mother's womb, coming here with full conscious memory so that later on I'd start linking with my other brothers and sisters, who were also in Earth embodiment. The difference being that they had mostly veils over their minds so they didn't have the conscious memory that I had. But my mission called for me to remember these things so that I could be in constant communication and touch with them. So as time went on I would start doing akashic life readings where I would tune pepole in to their mission by reading the akashic records - the galactic records, which are the records on other planets of events that have happened in the universe. I'm also an energy channel, in which I channel cosmic energies to tune people in to their reality. I open up the synoptic centers in a person's brain, which is the psychic/spiritual center.
Q.This channeling that you have just referred to, is this ability the result of your being a special kind of being?
M. I'm no more special than anyone else who...everybody is special in their own unique way, but there are many of us here (actually between 250 million to 300 million of us) who are volunteers. We didn't come here with karma in the beginning. We came here strictly on a voluntary basis to uplift the planet, to bring about a more balanced way of life, according ot the higher hermetic principles.
Q. Aurora, what about you? Were you also beamed down like Michael, and do you have a similar mission?
Aurora: Well, I'm sure I was. All of the volunteers have been - were beamed into their mothers' wombs. And I know I am one of the volunteers. Now the conscious recollection of this I do not have like Michael, has. It's been - You see, Michael's on a very special mission, different than most of us, whereas he's been allowed to remember his cosmic past. For most of us, it's been kind of a general feeling, sometimes an occasional glimpse into the past. I recall worlds that were more beautiful than this one. But, as far as exact details and things, it's difficult. I have visions of more beautiful colors, fabrics, atmosphere. You know, more harmony - worlds of greater beauty and harmony. But, for me, I'd say my consciousness has been like the average volunteer's. It's been one of feeling I don't belong here. I'd like to see a better way. I see a lot of ignorance around me everday and a lot of unecessary - what I consider to be a lot of unnecessary suffering. And I've always felt like there is a better way, and I've always longed to be able to express that.
Q: In other words what you mean by "beamed down" is that you previously in other lives were on other planets, but in this life you are on the planet as a volunteer because no one could come here otherwise?
Aurora: We are one of the original core group of volunteers who were asked to come and directly aid this planet in a more direct way through incarnation and showing the way for the average person on this planet to bring themsleves off the wheel of karma. So we chose to come in a long time ago. We're one of the original core group which that is talked about even in the Bible as being the 144,000 of the chosen ones.
Q: So this "core group" did not come to the planet recently, but instead you were beamed to Earth a very long time ago?
A: Yes. The difference between us, though, and the average person of the planet is that in between our lifetimes down here we go back up to the ships, and back to higher, more beautiful worlds, whereas the average person is caught on the wheel of karma here on planet Earth. They just become a discarnated soul on the spiritual/astral plane between lifetimes.
Q: Q. When you say that between lives you return to the ship, is this ship physical or non-physical?
A: The ship is physical in other dimension, OK? There are other dimensions, 33 dimensions of vibrational planes. And we're talking about the third dimension down here and when we're talking about the fourth and up, up there.
Part 1.
Source Of Information: Omega, New-Age Directory, Number 64, January 1983, Omega Interview. Michael and Aurora El-Legion, 8213 E. Vista, Scotsdale, AZ, 85253. Telephone # (602) 941-3722.
John Winston.